+ A Muscle of Eden on the tracks of the Holy Snail - for ever Coming, for ever Going - as Shure as a Snail can Be :) Po-Trpezljiva Smer ... A Patient, snaily, Yoga Vidya Found-A-Tion Way
Cardiacal Surgery In the search of the Soul ( Love is Out-Side You - just follow the Heart and Go )
" The development of cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass
techniques has reduced the mortality rates of these surgeries to
relatively low levels. For instance, repairs of congenital heart
defects are currently estimated to have 4-6% mortality rates.
A major concern with cardiac surgery is the incidence of neurologicalStroke occurs in 2-3% of all people undergoing cardiac surgery, and is higher in patients at risk for stroke. A more subtle constellation of neurocognitive deficits attributed to cardiopulmonary bypass is known as postperfusion syndrome (sometimes called 'pumphead'). The symptoms of postperfusion syndrome were initially felt to be permanent, damage. but were shown to be transient with no permanent neurological impairment. " ( Wiki-Pedia )
To:Be:Coming+Back The Next Turn - Vidya-Re-Cycle
Turning back is an Option in such a Re-Treat. Turning back, over the Should-Er, to accept, to integrate, to Be-Come. Than Turn A-Way into the Dir-Ection of the Heart, of the Setting of the Sun, like P.F. Song Title say: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun. I have become a Marmor Cheph-Ra into my Post-Draw. That was a birth-Day present from some-One very close to the inner Circum-Stance of mine. Was that my friend Jnana ? ... dont know - but at the same time - Knowing is the Sourse of Jnana :) Turning Back is an option in those Circum-Stances which reply to meditative consumation of the totalleness of the Be-In-G ... Gnosis ? Sun in the Mouth of the Heavenly Dragon.
Karma Saddhana In.Corpo.Ratio
Etz Chiim, Drevo Zivljenja, Lebens-Baum ... skusnjava duse, drevo telesa, sadezi usode. Po telesu je Drevo Zivljenja grajeno z deblom med Srcem in Stopali, in s krosnjo zivljenjske energije znotraj auricnega polja zgoraj, nad Srcem in vise nad glavo ... V krosnji drevesa zivita dve Ptici. Ena Ptica Jaza in druga Ptica Duse, Astralna in Etericna.
> Bad-Mejnberski tajht ob veceru, dne 02. junija, 2009. Sonce v Zahodu nad jezerom. Notranja odsevnost neba, vode, zemlje, svetlobe, minevanja, blizine, poglablja notranje veselje, ociscuje, reflektira naravo dvojnega, promovira energijo ljubezni, uspeha in receptivnega ...
> Stopnisce na zgornjo, Soncno teraso z Roznega vrta. Stopnisce proti soncu je zapisano z Gayatri Mantro. Zgornja terasa z osrednjim prostorom glavne jedilnice obsega ogromno halo, manjso jedilnico za Jed v Tisini, Teraso za Jed v Tisini in spodnjo, odprto teraso, soncno. AUMGN
> Sun-Set-ting at 21. of July, 2009 - as seen at 21.30 hour from the 7.th, Sahasrara floor of the main Pyramide Yoga Vidya Silvaticum house. There was a great Dragon of the Heavens on the Sky, surrounding the setting of the Sun like a Great Necklace above the Heart of the Body of the Night Queen. AUM SURYAH SUNDARA LOKANATHA MAAMRITAAT.
> Great Earth-Moon-Sun Mandala of 3-6-8-12-24 fold-Path of Holy Living - Mandala hangs in Saraswati room. Earth-y-fieing, Grounding, Sourcing Mandala of the Gaia, of the G-A-I-O . PANTA REI - CARPE DiEM
... pot osvobajanja.
Pot iskanja. Krizanje z izbiro na tocki individualnega zivljenja. Pot k
popolnosti. Pot izpopolnjevanja, samopreseganja. Pot v objem usode. O Fortuna!!! Zaupanje v uspeh je neizpodbitno.
Uspeh v predaji je Dokaz. Nicesar vec ni, kar bi clovek obzaloval. Zaupanje v izpopolnjevanju, predanost v vsakodnevni bivanjski praksi. Dan
izpopolnjujejo obredi, cas praznujejo elementarna dejanja, ritual obsega vsa mozna osoncja. Zvezdna pot
je Rimska cesta. Brahman, Atman, Sat Chit Ananda. Kakor zgoraj, tako
Solsticium Agni Sonnen-Wende
Sonn-Tag, 21.VI.09 At 23:11 (11:11 PM) Saturday night the Sun came to the highest Northern position of the Earth - or the Earth came to the Lowest Southern position on its inner rotation on Southern-North Axis. Sommer came into this Year with Rainy steps, through the high grasses, as the most beautifull Lunar Bride into the Clearest Tempel of Nature to the High Wedding of Sun-Moon Parity Energies, on the Day when The Son of the Sun got His Name. Agni - Ignis - Igne Natura Renovatum Integra INRI Das Haus Yoga Vidya Silvaticum Pyramide SonnTag, 21. VI. 09 - Tag der offene Türe In the Ashram of Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg, was this Sunday very busy, while a lot of People came to see the Ashram on the Day of Sommer Solstice - on the Sunday of 21. of July, 2009. I have been driving a Car-Delivery-Service whole of a Day, starting at 11.th hour and untill 17.00. In the air there was much of Solar-Lunar polarity, with rain, hard pressure and also with a very clear moments of total Sun Approaches through the Sky over this Land. At evening there was a most beautifull Sun-Set which I was witnessing from the 7.th floor, Sahasrara Floor, of main Pyramid house in Yoga Vidya. It was amasingly harmonious unity of the Sun-Set with the 6.th Chakra Center at the level between the Eye-Brows. Sun-Set was at 21.30 and lasted for 45.minutes. OM SURYAM SUNDARAM LOKAHA MAHA MAAMRITAAT ....
Shabbath Shalom Havdal
Corpus Christi, 11. Juni, 2009 Moj prvi Shabbat. 11. Junija '09, dan posvecen Svetemu pocitku, posvetitvi vse dejavnosti bozjemu v prisotnosti vsakodnevne prakse. Kontemplacija vsakokratne dejavne strani individualnega bivanja, analiza preteklih dni, preteklega tedna, pregled nad dosezenim, pregled nad novim, sprejem novih energij v posvetitev ciljem bivanja. Darovanje prekomernosti v preseznih trenutkih pretekle osebne aktivnosti in odpuscanje. Slava Gospodu. Slava Naravi. Slava svetu. Hvaleznost v odnosu do bivajocega in prepustitev osebnega, individualnega cilja v Roke ustvarjajoce energije, univerzalnega, transcendentnega. Popolna pomirjenost z dosezenim. Vsakokratna aktivnost je trud za najboljse, za majhen raj ustvarjajocega slehernika in individuuma v slehernem trenutku, se posebej na dan Shabbatha. Corpus Christi. Zivljenje, ki izvira iz njegovega telesa, sonca, iz darovane krvi, svetlobe, moci in bivanjskosti bivajocega. Shabbath. Shalom. Havdal.
Om Asato Ma Sat Gamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya Mrytyoor Mokhshya Gamaya Om Amen Aum Amin Sabbath Shalom Corpus Christi
> Na Sliki - Zalovanje Marije Magdalene nad Corpus Christi - truplom Jezusovim - Avtor: Arnold Böcklin (1827 - 1901), slika nastala 1867. 11.Juni je v katoliskih predelih Nemcije uradni cerkveni Praznik, ki se ga praznuje v katoliskih pokrajinah kot dela prost dan. 11. Junij, TELOVO - Corpe Christi - ... hkrati moj prvi Shabbat na ta dan, praznik. Od 17.ure naprej sem zato rezerviral avto, da grem na privatno voznjo, na ogled lokalnih cerkva, ce so danes odprte in katera masa Zalovanja je danes. Corpe Christi
Posted by Urosch STERN on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Na dan 01. junija (okrog leta 1922) je bil H. H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj ob reki Ganges, v Rishikeshu, iniiciran v duhovno skupino Sannyasinov s strani Guruja, znanega in spostovanega yogija ( ? ), s katerim sta se tega dne srecala na obronku reke Gange. V tradiciji posvetitelja je bil obred iniciacije opravljen brez posebnih obrednih bogosluzij, neposredno s strani iniciatorja z blagoslovom za iniciiranega H. H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaja. Sri Swami Sivanandaji je na isti dan skozi vrsto let prakticiranja Sadhane, Sannyase, Jape, meditacije in odrekanja, vstopil v stanje Maha Samadhi. Tega dne se v redu Yoge Sri Swamija Sivanande vsako leto praznuje obletnico njegove Iniciacije v vrsto Sannyasinov in njegovo razsvetljenje, notranji Maha Sammadhi.
01.Junija, vsakega leta, praznujemo tudi Binkoste, dan Svetega Duha.